Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


" Tired Kiefer"
Swimming in Arizona
"Relaxing Kole"
Swimming in Arizona
"Taking a break from the pool"

Kole and Aunt/Godmother Jackie
Kiefer and cousin Tessie

Kole and cousin Pat.


"Kole!! Let go of my ears"

We love our new truck

Kole - Finally happy on his stomach.

Kiefer - You are such a funny boy!!

Happy little boys.


Brave Little Kiefer.

Ever since Kiefer was born he has had severe acid reflux. We have had him on a hypo-allergenic formula and weighing down his food with rice cereal since he was two months old. Poor little guy would sometimes throw up his entire bottle. He was not gaining weight and was only in the 4% for growth. We finally went to see a specialist in Denver.

On 2-7-09, Kiefer had a surgical procedure in order to make sure he was born with everything he needed internally for his body to function and try to find the source for his vomiting and poor weight gain. This photo is what I call my 'Brave Little Kiefer." He taught me a huge lesson this day about strength. I was the one so worried about putting him to sleep for this procedure. The worst part of the day was the fact that he was hungry because he could not eat for 7 hours. Once he got past the hunger he because this little happy child. He was laughing and going to every nurse in the surgical center. When the doctor arrived, Kiefer went into his arms, relaxed, look at the doctor, and smiles. At that moment I knew he was going to be OK and I completely trusted Dr. Stathos. Kiefer was a strong little boy and he sure showed me that he was stronger and I was at that very moment.

We found out that he does not have a valve on the top of his stomach and there is nothing to keep the food down. We are hoping that this is a preemie thing and that this valve will grow as he gets older. Therefore, right now we are not going to do anything surgically but wait and see if this develops. Also, while the doctor was doing a full scope he also took some biopsies of Kiefer's stomach. The test results showed that Kiefer was allergic to a protein found in every milk product on the market - I mean everything - even his hypo-allergenic formula, soy milk, rice milk....and the list goes on. Dr. Stathos put Kiefer on a "milkless" formula. It smalls like vanilla so when he does throw up it smells like "vanilla" vs. "vomit."

Kiefer went from eating 2-3 oz to eating 5-6 oz, his coloring came back in his face, his eyes are not red anymore, he is gaining weight and actually has fat growing on his legs. He is completely a different child. Amazing!!! Even his throwing up has decreased. He is happy, playful, less fussy, and sleeping way better. Our prayers have been answered AGAIN!!


Kole - Eating Purees and Getting Sleepy

Kole - And he is out!!!